Essential oils assist and support the body on both the physical, emotional and energetic levels. They assist in healing the heart, releasing limiting belief systems, increasing spiritual awareness and connection and inspiring the fulfillment of our life’s purpose.

I use and recommend doTERRA Essential Oils as they are 100% Pure, Ethically and Sustainably Sourced from the Indigenous Habitat Globally, tested for potency and purity, third party tested and are safe, natural, free of contaminants/synthetics/fillers and offer incredible therapeutic value. To read more about why I love these oils click here.



BASICS Creativity/Releasing Blockages Kit

AU $$117.50 + shipping (includes wholesale membership)

Citrus Bliss

Invigorating Blend Au $20.50 wholesale

A blend of Wild Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Grapefruit Peel, Mandarin Peel, Bergamot Peel, Tangerine Peel, Clementine Peel essential oils and Vanilla Bean Absolute.

Known in the Emotions & Essentials Oils book as the Oil of Creativity.

“The Invigorating Blend acts as a powerful “fire starter”. It returns motivation and drive when it is lacking. This is a wonderful combination of oils for addressing lethargy, discouragement, despondency or low will to live. When the soul has lost its connection to the magic in life, this blend helps restore the spark…

Every human soul has a need to create. These oils inspire creative expression by reconnecting individuals with their inner child and their natural creative sense. They assist individuals in living abundantly and spontaneously by encouraging play and excitement…

Can motivate individuals to use their true creative power by letting go of old limitations and insecurities. It takes courage to put oneself out there artistically. Citrus’ in particular bring colour and imagination to one’s life. Placed over the solar plexus, this combination of oils restores confidence in one’s Self and in one’s creations… rekindles the fire of the personality and fills the heart with creativity and joy.”


Essential Oil Au $20 wholesale

Known as the oil of Motion & Flow

“This powerful oil creates energetic flow and emotional catharsis. Stagnant energies are brought into motion through the fluid energy of this oil. Crypress works in the heart and mind, creating flexibility…

Cypress encourages individuals to cast aside their worries and let go of control so they can enjoy the thrill that comes from being alive. It reminds individuals that “damnation” is simply the discontinuation of growth and development. Cypress shows how to have perfect trust in the flow of life.”


Wild Orange

Essential Oil Au $14 wholesale

Known as the oil of Abundance Wild Orange.

“Inspires abundance, fosters creativity, supports a positive mood, restores physical energy and aids in transitions. Wild Orange reconnects individuals with their inner child and brings spontaneity, fun, joy and play into one’s life.

At its core, Wild Orange teaches the true meaning of abundance. It encourages individuals to let go of scarcity mindsets with all of their manifestations.. it reminds the soul of the limitless supply found in nature. It teaches individuals to give without though of compensation. In nature, there is always enough to go around. It encourages individuals to let go of their need to hoard, which is the epitome of scarcity.

Wild Orange also assists an individual’s natural creative sense. It inspires limitless solutions for problems and issues. One never needs to fear. Wild orange invites the individual to completely let go as a child does and to live from their authentic Self. In our authenticity, we are abundance. Sharing, playing, relaxing and enjoying the bounties of life- these are the gifts bestowed by Wild Orange essential oil.”



Essential Oil Au $28 wholesale

Known as the oil of Communication

“Lavender aids verbal expression. It calms the insecurities that are felt when one risks their true thoughts and feelings. Lavender addresses a deep fear of being seen and heard. Individuals in need of Lavender hide within, blocking all forms of true self-expression. While they may even be going through the motions of outward expression, they’re actually holding back their innermost thoughts and feelings. The expression is not connected to the heart or soul.

Lavender supports individuals in releasing the tension and constriction that stems from fear of expression one’s Self. Due to past experiences, they may believe it is not safe to express themselves. The True Self is therefore trapped within and goes unexpressed. Strong feelings of being unlovable, unimportant, or unheard can accompany this condition. The individual’s fear of rejection paralyses their true voice and traps their feelings inside.

Lavender encourages emotional honesty and insists that one speak their innermost thoughts and desires. As individuals learn to communicate their deepest thoughts and feelings, they are liberated from their self-inflicted prison. It is through open and honest communication that an individual experiences unconditional love and acceptance. Through Lavender’s courageous spirit, one is free to share their True Self with others.”




with the BASICS Creativity/Releasing Blockages Kit




ULTIMATE Creativity/Releasing Blockages Kit

 Au $265.50  + shipping (includes wholesale membership)

All of the above oils PLUS



Essential Oil Au $36.50 wholesale

Known as the Oil of Empowerment

“Ginger oil holds no reservations. it has a purpose and it will fulfill it! Ginger powerfully persuades individuals to be fully present and participate in life. It teaches that to be successful in life one must be fully committed to it.

Ginger addresses deep patterns of victim mentality. A victim mentality is evidence by feelings of powerlessness, believing everything is outside of one’s control, refusing to take responsibility for life, or blaming life circumstances on other people or outside influences…

Ginger empowers individuals in taking complete responsibility for their life circumstances. It infuses a warrior-like mentality based on personal integrity, centralised responsibility and individual choice. Here, the individual sees themselves as the creator of their own life. No longer waiting for outside circumstances to change, they choose their own destiny. The empowered individual assumes full responsibility and accountability for the consequences of their actions or inactions.”



Essential Oil Au $13.50 wholesale

Known as the Oil of Focus

“The delightful citrusy aroma of Lemon oil nourishes the mind and aids concentration. While Lemon supports the emotional body, its major effects are experienced in the mental field and improves one’s ability to focus. Lemon dispels confusion and bestows clarity. Lemon restores energy, mental flexibility and the drive to complete a project. Lemon clears self judgments about learning, calms fears and insecurities while restoring confidence in the Self.

Emotionally, Lemon inspires a natural playfullness and buoyancy in the heart. It assist in releasing feelings of depression by restoring feelings of joy and happiness. Lemon inspires joyful involvement in the present moment by infusing the soul with energy, confidence and alertness.”



Focus Blend Au $43 wholesale

Known as the Oil of Presence

“In contrast to Lemon oil, this blend calms the mind, facilitating inner peace. Whereas Lemon activates the mind, Focus Blend quiets and grounds mental forces. It is especially beneficial to those with a short attention span. It encourages individuals to remain present with the task at hand and to complete a project, goal or activity before moving onto the next. Focus blend is therefore supportive to individuals who lose themselves in daydreams or fantasy.

Focus Blend gently guides the soul into full awareness of its physical body and physical surroundings. It invites individuals to accept the reality of their life situation, so they may deal with it appropriately. This blend especially encourages individuals to live in the here and now, and therefore promotes a meditative state. Focus Blend’s stability and grounding energy supports a healthy connection between the body and the mind. With the support of Focus Blend, individuals are empowered to live fully connected in the present moment.”


Petal Diffuser

AU $55 wholesale

The perfect accompaniment to your oils on your desk or in your space.






with the ULTIMATE Creativity/Releasing Blockages Kit


about becoming a wholesale member




* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.