Welcome to week three of Deepen with the Plants, you can register to join this free program at any time https://getafreshstart.lpages.co/deepenwithplants/
I’m so excited that we get to deepen with majestic Arborvitae this week.
Listen to this weeks podcast here.
I remember the very first time I smelt Arborvitae, I was very new into my doTERRA journey, three or four months in, over six years ago, and my upline and very first mentor in doTERRA Deb Husbands had been to the Global Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. I didn’t have the funds to join her that year, but she came back very excited about the new products that had been launched.
I remember driving up to visit her at her home at the time in Mount Tamborine, she pulled out her Convention Kit filled with all the new and exciting products that doTERRA had launched that year, I remember taking off the cap of the little red bottle of Arborvitae and I breathed it in.
I was instantly transported to standing deep in a forest, massive trees all around me. I felt a sense of absolute stillness, peace and protection. I instantly fell in love with this magnificent oil and have felt deeply connected to it ever since.
Native to Canada and the North Western United States, Arborvitae is also known as the Western Red Cedar, however it actually comes from the Cyprus family.
This tree is a Giant, it can grow up to 230 ft, 70m tall and live for hundreds, even over a thousand years, the oldest known Arborvitae tree has survived for 1460 years.

The heartwood of Arborvitae is incredibly hardy, it just does not rot, even when it falls in the forest, insects and termites do not attack it, it has powerful, natural, repelling properties and remains extremely sturdy.
Native Americans used this wood historically for generations. From the wood they would build homes, totem poles and canoes, they used the roots to make baskets, and from the bark they made clothing, rope and twine.
From the boughs they would brush away illness and sadness.
Such a brilliant tree to craft from due to its natural preserving and repelling properties.
Sustainable Sourcing
The Arborvitae timber industry is highly managed and sustainable, but unfortunately, in the past, the leftover sawdust was burned. Now through doTERRA’s partnership with the industry, that sawdust is distilled into our Arborvitae essential oil. Sustainably and responsibly sourced for us to enjoy and receive the many great benefits of this Giant Tree of Life.
How to Use Arborvitae
You can use it as a natural insect repellent topically and even use it as a natural wood polish and preservative.
I love using this oil in breathwork or meditation, it is incredibly grounding and smells amazing, like stepping into a forest or sauna. Take a drop in your hands, breathe deeply and apply to the soles of your feet.
You can wear it throughout the day and receive it’s physical, emotional and energetic support, apply to your wrists, back of your neck and pulse points.
It also blends beautifully with Jasmine and Sandalwood for a natural scent in place of synthetic, endocrine disrupting cologne or perfume for both men and women, I recently made this blend for someone I absolutely adore and he loves it.
While Arborvitae keeps physical insects and pests at bay, it also helps to protect you energetically.
My favourite book to tune in with the spirit of the plants and the emotional, energetic, metaphysical properties is Gifts of the Essential Oils by Adam Barralet and Vanessa Jean.

My thoughts on Arborvitae
Arborvitae reminds you to stay the course with your path and purpose, it will repel any negative energies trying to drag you away from who you are here to be, from the freedom of your own expression, irrespective of what you being you brings up in anyone else.
Use Arborvitae to conjure up a shield of beautiful, protective energy around you, to remind you that you do not need to take on others thoughts, beliefs, opinions and well meaning advice as your own, that you can use your own discernment, boundaries and the protection of Arborvitae to live your life in accordance with who you are and what you truly desire.
You are so divinely protected and guided, and the evidence of this deep support and guidance continues to show up stronger, more obvious and more deeply present in your life than ever before, Arborvitae can support you to tune into this divine guidance, to listen and to follow and trust this.
Arborvitae is that deeply present, masculine energy, reminding you that you are held, safe, sturdy, strong and that others leaky, cooked energy does not need to detract from how you show up in the world. Arborvitae can remind you that you have this spirit within you and all around you. That you can grow as tall, grand and majestic as you please, to not let others limits and triggers drag you down.
Arborvitae is there, he can hold it all. Arborvitae is the kind of masculine energy that doesn’t flinch at your allness, that isn’t thrown by your full expression, he doesn’t get defensive or personalise it when you rage about the things that need no other response other than your full fire, he is there for all of it, for all of you. Arborvitae reminds you that just as you can hold yourself, you can also open to being held, to receiving support from the plant kingdom, from your guides, from divinity and rest deep in the knowing that you get to be held like this from men in your life as well, open your heart to receive, raise your standards, choose yourself and watch as this begins to show up more and more for you.
When chaos, uncertainty and weirdness surround you and threaten to pull you in, imagine you are in the forest, at the base of a huge Arborvitae tree, his roots spreading out, his leaves sheltering you from the burning heat, curl up at his base, let yourself rest, feel the cool, damp soil under your skin, drop into stillness and receive the support, love and grounding of this wise, huge tree. You can think of Arborvitae standing huge and still behind you, anytime you would like to call in extra support and protection.
This oil reminds you that we live in a friendly universe, full of love, support and assistance, just ask, believe and receive.
I would love to hear your journey
Keep a journal of your experiences with each oil or blend, this is about you deepening your relationship and connection with the spirit of each plant, spend time with it, tune into it and I would love to hear your experiences, feel free to tag me on socials, my instagram is jessie_reimers or write in to me at jessrems@gmail.com
Upcoming Oils and Blends
Next weeks blend we are deepening with is AromaTouch.
If you are placing your order now in time for February the oils and blends we will be deepening with are Balance, Basil, Bergamot, Black Pepper and Black Spruce, order these in Jan so they arrive in time for February.
Don’t have a doTERRA account yet?
Email me at jessrems@gmail.com or contact the person who introduced you to doTERRA to get set up or head to https://www.getafreshstart.com.au/shop-doterra/ you can set up from just about anywhere in the world, and you can get one of the starter kits or pay the $35 for a wholesale account so you get 25% off all our products + loads of other benefits and loyalty discounts.
Enjoy deepening with Arborvitae this week.
Jessie xx