Welcome to week 4 of my free program, Deepen with the Plants, you can register to join us at anytime here https://getafreshstart.lpages.co/deepenwithplants/
This week we have the absolute joy of deepening with AromaTouch- the massage/spa blend. Not just a massage blend though. She offers so much more and I think is extremely under-utilised!
Listen to this weeks podcast here.
Honestly to me AromaTouch is an ULTIMATE blend. I remember being at my favourite conscious festival two years ago, Earth Frequency and it was something absolutely outrageous like 40 degrees that day. I was dressed up in my favourite leopard, neon leotard and had my water bottle and tool belt packed with essential oils strapped to me.
But I needed something EXTRA and walked back to camp to find my oil box and feel into what I needed in that moment. I was feeling hot, overwhelmed, low energy and a bit anxious. I wanted to experience more joy, energy, connection flow and COOLness.
So I was picking over my oils as I wanted to make myself a blend in a little glass spritzer filled with water, so I could walk around cooling myself and others down and at the same time experience the emotional/energetic benefits of aromatherapy.
Did you know when you smell something it is your fastest track down memory lane? The smell enters the limbic system or the emotional centre of the brain and can shift our mood/emotions/energy rapidly.
As I was searching for oils to make myself a blend I came across AromaTouch and realised instantly I didn’t need to make a blend, the perfect blend for me in that moment already existed.
Peppermint to physically cool me down and bring on the joy, Cypress– motion and flow, moving stagnant energy, encouraging you to let go and enjoy the thrill of life, Cypress shows how to have trust in the perfect flow of life, Marjoram the oil of connection, when I smell this oil I feel her penetrating my very essence, softening my heart and allowing me to trust and open even deeper in connection with others, Basil for that extra adrenal, long term energy support so I could continue on with my adventures, dancing and fun, Grapefruit, uplifting and the oil of honouring the body and what she needs (a shady spot, a cool drink of water, and THIS BLEND, clearly) and finally Lavender, calming, rejuvenating, relaxing and the oil of verbal communication.

How to Use AromaTouch
I can definitely recommend getting yourself a little glass spritzer and filling it with water and 10 drops of AromaTouch, shake, close your eyes and spray over yourself. Especially in summer! The ultimate good vibes blend.
Another beautiful way to start your day is by using a couple of drops on the floor of your shower and breathing it in with the steam, this opens your lungs and sinuses, wakes you up and gives you that fresh, joyful, alive, awake, ready to start the day with an open, loving heart.
AromaTouch reminds you to come back into your body. To come home to yourself and move emotions through physical expression and motion. Whether that’s through something physical like a massage using the AromaTouch technique, or you could ask your massage therapist to use this blend on you. Or maybe it’s through running, crying, punching a pillow or dancing it through. If you’re looking for a funky, juicy, bass rich, mega playlist, look no further than here. I made this when Island Vibes got cancelled and I needed to DANCE with my besties anyway.

What comes through for me when I tune in to AromaTouch
AromaTouch reminds you to stop clenching and holding, to relax your muscles and breathe in the fullness of life.
To come out of the loop in your head and back into the wisdom of your body, of your heart, of the breath and the potency of this very existence.
When you feel tight, closed off, constricted, apply AromaTouch and breathe into opening wide to receive the gifts of life.
We get to play, move, express, relax and release.
What if you let go of the clenching and the holding and allowed yourself to feel it all.
What if you let down your walls and opened your heart to receive all the ways people are trying to love you and get close to you.
I know it can be scary to open. It feels like to open means to hurt, to be unsafe, to open yourself up to rejection and abandonment.
The more you open, the more space you give for your true emotion to rise, and sometimes this feels like grief, sadness and super uncomfortable, especially at the beginning of new, divine love after previous experiences might have left you raw and hurting. AromaTouch is a master at holding you in grief, in any emotions that may be present.
The truth is there are no guarantees in love. It all ends in loss at some point. But we get to choose, to what degree do we open, and how much do we choose to keep leaning in, instead of pushing away, shoving it all done.
The magic is in the opening, and any pain that does come with that, comes to crack you open even wider, not to shut you down. Allow AromaTouch to remind you of that, and each time you are tempted to close, to run, to turn away, choose instead to lean in, to turn towards, to speak into your discomfort and what’s coming up for you, to share vulnerably and authentically, to move it through physically, to really be with and feel it all truly and to keep opening wide and expanding your capacity to love and be loved.

I would love to hear your journey
Keep a journal of your experiences with AromaTouch, this is about you deepening your relationship and connection with the spirit of each plant, spend time with it, tune into it and I would love to hear your experiences, feel free to tag me on socials, my instagram is jessie_reimers or write in to me at jessrems@gmail.com, also if you love my podcast Deepen with the Plants, I would love SO MUCH if you left me a review on Apple podcasts, as a creative it means the world to us when we hear how our words are resonating with listeners.
Upcoming Oils and Blends
Place your next months order now if you would like to continue deepening with the plants with us, the oils and blends we will be deepening with in February are Balance, Basil, Bergamot, Black Pepper and Black Spruce.
Don’t have a doTERRA account yet?
Email me at jessrems@gmail.com or contact the person who introduced you to doTERRA to get set up or head to https://www.getafreshstart.com.au/shop-doterra/ you can set up from just about anywhere in the world, and you can get one of the starter kits or pay the $35 for a wholesale account so you get 25% off all our products + loads of other benefits and loyalty discounts.
Enjoy deepening with AromaTouch this week.
Jessie xx