Welcome to week 6 of my free program, Deepen with the Plants, you can register to join us at anytime here https://getafreshstart.lpages.co/deepenwithplants/
doTERRA Basil essential oil is distilled from the fragrant leaves of the sweet basil plant (Ocimum basilicum). Sweet basil is delicious and often used in Italian cooking. Ours is sourced in Egypt from plants grown during the winter months.
How to Use Basil
Basil is excellent for energy support, apply over your adrenals (over your kidneys on your back), Basil oil can support you if you find yourself relying on false stimulants.
Diffuse with Wild Orange for an afternoon pick me up.
Rub behind the ears and down the mastoid bone (never place inside the ear) if you or your child has sore ears.
Diffuse to ease stress and tension and for focus, alertness and mental clarity, try diffusing it with other citrus oils and mint oils, such as Lime, Bergamot or Peppermint.
You can of course also use it in cooking! Just make sure you use a drop at a time, less is more, these oils are very potent. Try this Basil Spinach pesto.

Emotional Properties
Check out my favourite essential oil book, Gifts of the Essential Oils by Adam Barralet and Vanessa Jean.
Basil can support you to feel energised, renewed, rejuvenated, rested and strengthened, it is known as the Oil of Renewal in Essential Emotions.
Basil can help you powerfully focus your thoughts, getting rid of all the distractions it can help you laser focus on what’s actually important and a priority to you.
It can also support you to regain control of the path you are choosing for yourself, supporting you to reclaim your power, create firm and clear boundaries and whatever you want, this is your life, you get to choose how to live it.
Basil is also amazing in a massage, especially if you are feeling contracted and holding tension in your neck and shoulders.
Basil gifts us with devotion, precision, and helps to realign us with who we are and what we are here to do, returning to what is truly important and giving us the energy to go out after it.
Try using Basil in my rank advance blend and use it to support you to manifest, take action and build a life you love.

When I tune into Basil
Basil helps you tap into your natural energy stores, to be activated and energised by the gift of life.
If you’ve got yourself in a rut of feeling drained, despondent, depleted and bored, Basil will help you reconnect to the magic, to your play, to your expression.
To create firm and clear boundaries around what you are a yes for, and what you are a no for, so you have potent energy reserves for what you’re actually here for.
If you’ve been paddling around in circles in a leaky, rusty boat full of holes on turd lake for a while, Basil will help you to step onto a yacht, set your sails and steer that ship out of turd lake towards the open ocean, dolphins leaping out of the water at the bow of the boat, turtles swimming past, whales flapping their flippers and waving hello.
Snap out of boredom and the mundane and back into being awe struck by the constant magic surrounding you.
Basil reminds you to be mystified by life’s outrageous beauty in simplicity.
To return to what’s truly important, what lights you up, what fills your heart with love.
Basil reminds you of what a King or Queen you are, to embrace your regalness, to pick yourself up and hold yourself tall, to remind you of actually what you are truly capable of, it is so much greater than most of us give ourselves credit for.
Basil supports you to walk through life, back straight, heart open, boundaries in check, arms wide to receive all of the love, gifts, abundance, friendship, connection, opportunities and simple moments, connected with nature, with our own beating hearts and the ones we love.

I would love to hear your journey
Keep a journal of your experiences with Basil, this is about you deepening your relationship and connection with the spirit of each plant, spend time with it, tune into it, you could apply it and listen to my Deepen with the Plants Playlist and let it take you on a journey. I would love to hear your experiences, feel free to tag me on socials, my instagram is jessie_reimers or write in to me at jessrems@gmail.com, also if you love my podcast Deepen with the Plants, I would love SO MUCH if you left me a review on Apple podcasts, as a creative it means the world to us when we hear how our words are resonating with listeners.
Upcoming Oils and Blends
The oils we will be deepening with in the next few weeks are Bergamot, Black Pepper and Black Spruce.
If you wish to place your order now in time for the program in March, we will be deepening with Blue Tansy, Cardamom, Cassia and Cedarwood.
Don’t have a doTERRA account yet?
Email me at jessrems@gmail.com or contact the person who introduced you to doTERRA to get set up or head to https://www.getafreshstart.com.au/shop-doterra/ you can set up from just about anywhere in the world, and you can get one of the starter kits or pay the $35 for a wholesale account so you get 25% off all our products + loads of other benefits and loyalty discounts.
Enjoy deepening with Basil this week.
Jessie xx