Welcome to week fourteen of Deepen with the Plants, you can register to join this free program at any time https://getafreshstart.lpages.co/deepenwithplants/
If this image triggers you, great. It triggers me too.

I felt triggered shooting it. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. I felt suffocated. PS the plastic bag used in this image is one that has been in my photographer Blake’s family for quite some time and will continue to be reused, we did not purchase it for this shoot.
This week we are deepening with Celery Seed, the oil of detoxing. And this has brought up some heavy things. As with any cleansing process. All the shit has to come to the surface to be released and let go of. Which isn’t always comfortable.
There are some things in life that I prefer not to look at. That I wish didn’t exist. But not looking at them doesn’t make it go away. Instead of sweeping things under the rug, I think it’s time we looked at the rug, really see how dirty we let it get. And clean it up together.
The huge global problem we have created with plastic is one of those things.. And I get there are so many. That it’s difficult to surmount all the things that need to be done to make the world a better place.
To alleviate pain and suffering. But we can start somewhere. My gran for example is an activist in her own right. She refuses single use plastic in her room. She remembers the days when they used stainless steel in hospitals and sterilised everything. She was a nurse. She is now in a beautiful aged care facility that she loves. The staff are brilliant. But she says to them “I don’t want your single use plastic here.”

I have always been obsessed by the ocean, she is such a powerful, mystical force to be reckoned with. She can chew you up and spit you out alarmingly quickly. I love her ferocity, saltyness, and also her calm, her waves, her shoreline, the sound of her waves crashing, and I’ve always been absolutely obsessed and entranced by her animals.
I go to her when I feel sad. When I feel like my body needs a cleanse. When I want the ocean to support me to wash away grief and pain. Or when I want to feel joy and covered in salt and sun. I love watching my boys play in the ocean together. Diving over and under the waves.
I’m so excited that whale season is almost upon us here on the east coast. I go to the cliffs and will sit there for hours and hours watching them go by, staring out into the ocean to catch their blowhole and my body filling with delight when I see their tales slap, their huge bodies breaching and splashing, their flippers waving (I like to imagine up at me).
I love seeing dolphins dance and play through the waves. And sea turtles come up for air.
I love it all. I love watching Blue Planet with my boys, Ned in particular is at the age where he can’t get enough of it. The other day I was watching an episode with Jack and our dear friends Luke and Courtney.
There was a section about pilot whales, some of the absolutely most beautiful creatures I have ever seen, and one of the whales had given birth, its newborn baby was dead, and she carried it in her mouth for three day’s. The whole pod were devastated by the loss and behaving in ways to comfort each other. David Attenborough explained that in these waters there was a severely alarming amount of plastic, and that the chemicals from this plastic had reached dangerously high levels. He explained that this pilot whales mother’s milk had very likely poisoned her own baby. It broke my heart. There were also many images of turtles and other sea life caught in and choking on plastic.
I am committed to doing better. Not to the point of giving myself a complete anxiety attack and going into a shame spiral. But just to doing the best I can. Shopping at farmers markets or local stores with reusable bags or cardboard boxes and carefully choosing the kinds of products I use in my home.
It’s amazing to me that each year I get older, I also feel healthier, lighter, more free and have more energy.
I was a very sick child and young person. I had horrific allergies and asthma. Skin problems. Gut challenges. I would sneeze 200 times before breakfast. Was constantly taking medications.
And that has all shifted. I am strong. Healthy. Vibrant and my body loves me.
I believe the choices I’ve made in the last 7 years have made a significant impact on the way I feel every day. I do not use perfume or synthetically fragranced or dyed products in my home.
I do not use hectic cleaning chemicals.
I use bicarb, vinegar, water, essential oils and dōTERRA products.
I have massively lowered my exposure to toxic household and personal care products and then these things are also not going into our waterways and further impacting the environment.
And I use essential oils and natural products to support my health every single day. Oils like Celery Seed that can support your gut health and digestive system, that have been used traditionally through Ayurvedic medicine to support detoxification.
What is Celery Seed
Celery was used as early as the 5th century by the Chinese, and widely used in Indian Ayurvedic practices.
Conventionally grown grocery store celery looks nothing like the celery seen at local farmers’ markets. The celery plant grows up to three feet tall, is bright green, and radiating with life. Celery has a complex, strong, sweet, and spicy aroma. Our essential oil is distilled from the seeds.
It is true that our body has its own detoxification pathways and processes. The human body is incredibly resilient.
But why not give our bodies the conditions in which it can truly thrive, not just survive and try and deal with a constant toxic barrage of endocrine disrupting, hormone disrupting, allergy, asthma and headache inducing chemicals.
I know it can seem overwhelming at first to make the switch. But it honestly is super easy! If you need a hand, just ask.
How to Use Celery Seed
Use Celery Seed to support you. I just took an Epsom salt bath with a few drops of celery seed. It was deeply relaxing and I felt the load lighten and my muscles relax. I also use this on my stomach as a clockwise massage to support my digestive system.
Emotional/Energetic Properties of Celery Seed
I was chatting with my good friend Adam Barralet this week about celery seed. He is the co-author if my favourite essential oil reference book, Gifts of the Essential Oils. Celery Seed isn’t in the book though so he sent me some info he’s been working on for up and coming projects so generously.
Adam talks about celery seed being the oil of boundlessness and dropping comparison.
Adam shared that “Celery Seed draws you into deeper affinity with the oceans and other waters that cover 71% of the planet’s surface… celery seed carries us into boundless tides of possibility.
Use him to help you remove expectations, constraints and standards imposed on you by others and society. In fact, Celery Seed guides you in manifesting a new paradigm whereby you cannot see any limitations and you can create a reality from your own utopian vision. He births the artist, the originator, the creatrix. He fuels original thought and lends strength to those choosing to flow with and listen to the beat of their own drum, following their internal rhythm rather than dancing to the tune dictated by the world around them.
Celery Seed releases limiting beliefs around your value or abilities. Align with him when you are comparing yourself to others and feeling insufficient. By comparing yourself to others, you waste precious energy focusing on other peoples’ lives rather than your own path.
Comparisons often result in resentment towards others and yourself, depriving you of joy. Let Celery Seed show you your own unique and magical abilities, and how to best harness them. With him, you will feel comfortable standing in your truth, expressing your own unique flavour and working your own magic while respecting the diverse range of ideas, beliefs and lifestyles others choose to live by.
As you dive into the ocean of diversity with Celery Seed, you will discover the falsehoods around right and wrong, good and bad. He unveils the many versions of truth, and that each person has divine permission to live their own.
In relationships, Celery Seed facilitates both compromise and agreeing to disagree. If there is debate, conflict or confrontation, Celery Seed dissolves negative emotions, resentment, and self-doubt when someone’s opinion or way of doing things is different from your own. He seeks to find resolutions and peaceful conclusions.”
Adam goes on to share.. “Where are you comparing yourself to others? Each of us has a unique set of gifts and talents to birth. Focus on your own personal magic to shine out in the world. It is safe to be you. Devote more attention to your own journey more and less on other’s and what you cannot control. What unhealthy habits, behaviours or thoughts are you carrying? They need to be dropped. In a current dispute you may need to compromise or agree to disagree. There can be deep disappointment where there is not deep love. Get down to the beach.”
Adam thank you for always so generously sharing your wisdom around the plants. I love learning from you and I’m also really grateful of your support of this podcast. Adam tunes in every Monday morning as he goes on his bushwalk. Thanks Adam!
When I tune into Celery Seed
When I tune into Celery Seed this is what comes up for me, this isn’t just about a physical detox, this is about an energetic detox as well, moving on from ways of being that no longer serve us.
I have tried to use avoidance a lot in my life as a tactic to avoid pain and facing off with scary things, having difficult conversations or doing challenging tasks, I have avoided things for weeks, months, even years, and I THINK I’m avoiding pain when I do this, but what I’m actually doing is in fact prolonging and expanding the pain whilst swimming in a sea of shame.
I am changing this. I am choosing to slay this old avoidance pattern and just do the damn thing, have the damn conversation. Being anxious avoidant is NOT a strategy that works. It has NEVER actually helped me avoid pain and has made things so much harder than they need to be.
Use Celery Seed to detox old ways of being and embrace a far more powerful, grounded, integrated version of yourself. One who knows deeply can do hard things, and gets them done, leaving far more space for fun, joy, trust and love.
It’s time to detox and let go of these old ways of being that you know haven’t been serving your existence and embrace the new you.
I would love to hear your journey
Keep a journal of your experiences with each oil or blend, this is about you deepening your relationship and connection with the spirit of each plant, spend time with it, tune into it and I would love to hear your experiences, feel free to tag me on socials, my instagram is jessie_reimers or write in to me at jessrems@gmail.com
Upcoming Oils and Blends
Next week we are deepening with Cheer.
For the rest of April we will be deepening with Cilantro and Cinnamon, and if you are ordering now in time for May the oils and blends we will be deepening with are Citronella, Citrus Bliss, ClaryCalm, Clary Sage and Clearify.
Don’t have a doTERRA account yet?
Email me at jessrems@gmail.com or contact the person who introduced you to doTERRA to get set up or head to https://www.getafreshstart.com.au/shop-doterra/ you can set up from just about anywhere in the world, and you can get one of the starter kits or pay the $35 for a wholesale account so you get 25% off all our products + loads of other benefits and loyalty discounts.
Enjoy deepening with Celery Seed this week.
Jessie xx
