Learn to weave a new oil or blend into your life every week with this totally free program.
So much magic is available to us when we slow down, tune into the subtleties and sharpen our senses.
This experience is open to everyone, anywhere in the world, from any team, if you don’t have access to our oils yet, that’s ok, we can help you get them drop shipped to your door at wholesale prices.
The idea of spending a week creating a relationship with each oil or blend hit me like a bolt of lightning one day, you know those moments of pure magic and inspiration?
Head here to join the free program!
It just lit me up.

What lead to this particular day..
2020- A Season of Deep Healing
Well 2020 has been a massive year of diving deep into myself and healing.
I felt incredibly lost, I had lost my confidence, had my heart broken a few times and felt so separated from my business, I had made so many mistakes, who was I to continue showing up in this space? I was certain people didn’t even want me to, that I should just disappear completely. I lacked passion, drive and just was at a loss as to how to move forward, so I came into stillness instead.
And also this was a season for me, a season of going within, a deeply important part of my process. I regret not a single second of it.
I went on a journey in 2020 of coming home to myself, of remembering my own magnificence, of honouring my heart, of loving myself deeper than ever before.
I love how life leads you to the right people and experiences when you are ready, when you ask for change, when you are willing to commit and devote to yourself.
I met Jax Emilio Robinson and attended some of her incredible Awaken events, breathwork, light language and magic.
I shared my heart with her and how I was struggling and she mentioned that I could go to Adelina Vaughn for mentoring..
Adelina- Mentoring that Changed My Life

I contacted her immediately, I was just ready and willing to do the work, to face off with my shadows, I wanted change.
This woman has changed my life and impacted me deeply and profoundly, I literally cry tears of joy when I think about how the last four months of weekly, deep dive mentoring sessions with her over zoom have impacted me as a person. The healing that has unfolded.. wow.
Through somatic body awareness, breathwork, guided meditations, sacred ceremony, trauma healing and just really listening to me, seeing me, understanding my heart, honouring me, in all of my colours, in my pain, in my heartache, in my gifts, as a mother, as a woman, as a businesswoman, as just me, the little Jessie that needed a few reminders of her greatness. That needed some support, and wow, did I ever receive it. So consistently and with so much love.
Adelina is a woman of such grounded embodiment, of strength, grace, power, intuition, deeply connected to the earth, to herself, to her heart, to spirit, to her gifts. She is just so present.

Noya Rao- Tree of Light- Truth Tree
Adelina then invited me to be a part of an online retreat- a dieta of Noya Rao, a Master Plant from the Amazonian base of Peru. Under the facilitation of her and co-facilitator Elio Geusa, who works in Peru helping to facilitate life-changing plant medicine experiences alongside Shipibo curanderos.
We were also able to learn directly under Shipibo Maestro Don Miguel.

Don Miguel was born into a Shipibo community called Roaboya on the River Ucayali. When Don Miguel was a child, Angel Sanchez Vargas, his grandfather was the community’s curandero (native healer/shaman/medicine man). Vargas was an expert in sacred plant medicines and was frequently called upon to heal and share his spiritual wisdom with members of Roaboya. Don Miguel grew up surrounded by the Shipibo wisdom and possesses intimate knowledge of the sacred plant medicines. At a very young age he began his apprenticeship as a curandero through plant dietas under the supportive guidance of his grandfather.
What is Noya Rao?
When most people think of Master Plant teachers they generally think of Ayahuasca, which has hallucinogenic properties and would not be appropriate for an at home, online facilitated retreat.
Noya Rao is not hallucinogenic, she is very subtle, gentle, energetic.
“A mythical tree within Amazonian plant medicine, Noyarao which is otherwise known as “The Tree of Light” or “Camino a la Verdad” (The Path of Truth) is said to glow in the dark. It has belonged to and been used in sacred ceremony by the Mahua Shipibo traditions for centuries. In the Shipibo tradition dieting on the bark of the Noyarao tree is believed to be essential in the path towards becoming a healer. Noyarao is believed to enhance one’s connection and relationships to the spirits indwelling in other sacred plants or trees and to facilitate profound transformation in the individual. Dieting on Noyarao can lead to greater capacity for organised thought, clarity, highly activated intuitive capacities as well as helping to bring to light unconscious assumptions one may have about the world, leading the dietero to have the newfound courage necessary to change them.” Info from https://www.ayahealingretreats.com/master-plant-dieta/

A Master Plant Dieta, sometimes referred to as a shamanic dieta is a complex, strict and rigorous system of discipline through which a planta maestra (teacher plant) or plantas que enseñan ( plants and trees that teach) transmit protection, guidance and sacred knowledge to the student or “dietero”.
My Experience with Noya Rao
I said yes to Adelina’s invitation to be a part of this ten day dieta with Noya Rao.
For a week before, ten days during and five days after I began a very strict, plain diet, no sugar, processed food, salt, red meat, shellfish, pork, coffee, alcohol (easy I never drink either of those), dairy, oil.
The food part wasn’t so easy for me, I just ate rice, eggs, chicken (no skin or fat), plain vegetables, pears, bananas, rolled oats on water, green juices.. that’s it, this in itself was deeply healing for me, I have battled binge eating on and off for 15 years and felt like there was a massive reparenting and repatterning of my relationship with food during this dieta, taking the time to cook for myself each meal and really nourish my body.
I also did my first ever water fast, for just under 24 hours, not going to lie I struggled with this!
We also abstained from sex, masturbation (I had already committed to celibacy as part of my healing journey with Adelina for a full month before this started anyway), social media and all socialising (aside from being with my children).
We drank the Noya Rao tea each night and were in ceremony on zoom every night, the facilitation was incredible, dance embodiment journeys, breathwork, meditation, sharing circles, lessons from Maestro Don Miguel, singing and learning the Icaros (traditional plant honouring songs). We were SO SUPPORTED the entire time. I also had a private ceremony with Don Miguel where he sang healing Icaros to me for three hours. It was profound.
I felt so inspired by Don Miguel sharing how the Shipibo people connect with the plants, that they would go into the jungle and find a plant that they didn’t understand, rub it on their faces, go into deep dieta with it, for a week, sometimes a year, sometimes 30 years, to connect with the plant, with its spirit and to receive the lessons and healing from it.
It was important to get anything out of my life that could distract from connecting with Noya Rao and receiving her lessons and healing, this also included deodorant, toothpaste and any fragranced products… including my precious essential oils.
For the first time in six and a half years I wasn’t using my beautiful oils multiple times a day to support me.
I got to about five days in and started really missing them, and dropping far deeper into how much of an ally they have been to me, how they have constantly supported me, remained so certain and stable in my life, never once let me down and how much they had given me, physically, emotionally, energetically. How much I had changed as a person as a result of the subtle work they had been doing, beyond my immediate awareness.
I felt my love, reverence, respect and honouring of them deepen, a lot.
I was sitting in the bath halfway through the dieta with a piece of the Noya Rao bark in the water with me and it just hit me, “Jessie, you are supposed to teach people about the plants, deeper.”
And for once I didn’t question it, I didn’t doubt myself, I didn’t say but I don’t know enough, I’m a fraud, I’m not as good at it as others, I’m not as tapped in, people don’t like me. Whatever. Nope, this is a massive part of what I am here to do.
Create a way for people to drop in far deeper with the plants.
I had a private session with Adelina and just sat there weeping as I shared this realisation with her.
Here’s why I think this idea of deepening with the plants is so special.
Each plant has so much to offer us, far beyond anything we will ever be able to truly comprehend on the physical plane.
There is so much science and research constantly coming to light about the benefits of plants, of essential oils. I am constantly completely blown away by how these can impact people on a physical, cellular level, but I am also acutely aware of how little we know, the information we have is a drop in the ocean.
The subtleties and complexities of plants and the way they work with us emotionally and energetically.. is a magic beyond understanding.
It has to be experienced and felt, and even then, what we can feel and what is actually happening in subtle ways, beyond the very limited capacity of what we are consciously aware of, are two very different things.
When we work with plants over time, this has a significant compounding effect on the way we experience the world, on the way we experience ourselves. They change us. I’ve experienced it and witnessed it personally, over and over, on a large scale for six and a half years. And also I will never truly know or be able to comprehend what’s unfolding, I’ll leave that knowing up to the plants, nature is incredibly wise and powerful, she knows what she is doing, and we have the deep honour of having the ability to lean into her knowing, to let her hold and support us.
What can often happen is that we turn to the same handful of oils over and over, maybe we don’t really know how to incorporate others, or understand what they can offer us, maybe we just get in a routine, and don’t really take the time to differ from it, and that’s cool, these plants are our allies, they support us and love us anyway.
But what if we took the chance to deepen our understanding of these plants, to broaden our horizons and experiences?
Why not make the effort to create a real relationship with each plant, with each stunning, powerfully and magically curated blend?
This is my invitation to you, should you choose to take it.
To join me to deepen with the plants.
To allow the heart of the plants to lead you.
To learn to weave a different oil or blend into your life every week and to really witness what unfolds for you.
To create a sacredness around it, to be truly present with that particular oil or blend, and to create a deeper relationship and understanding of it and with it, so that you can tap into deeper layers of support and lean into the magic that is waiting for you.
Here’s how it will work, each Monday from Jan 4 2021 I will be sharing information, recipes and an offering to work with that particular oil or blend as your focus for the week.
The oils and blends will be in alphabetical order, I will have a blog post, share on my socials and email out the information surrounding that plant, where it comes from, some physical properties and deeper understanding of the emotional/energetic/metaphysical properties.
The cool thing is though, the information I share will only just scratch the surface of what this plant can offer you, you get to use your intuition and create your own relationship with this plant.
I invite you to get yourself a beautiful journal so that you can keep track of what you notice each week, your own personal experiences, how you feel.
Here’s a collection of stunning journals to record your thoughts. https://planetcorroboree.com.au/search?type=product&q=journal
I look forward to going on this journey with you.
I can feel the magic unfolding already of deepening in this way with the plants.
Thank you for being open to this invitation.
Simply pop your email in and keep an eye out for the emails to come through with which oils to order to get started and on my social media accounts for more info and interaction, I look forward to hearing your stories and experiences as it unfolds.
The first oils we will be working with are Adaptiv (touch roller or 15ml oil, either or both is fine), the Yoga Collection (as each oil in this collection starts with a, Affirm, Anchor and Ascend), Arborvitae and AromaTouch, order these now if you do not already have them so that they arrive in time for us to begin on Jan 4th. I am also going to order the Ancient Oils collection to get my order above 200pv so that I can qualify for the free 15ml Frankincense valued at Aud $119.97 RRP ($90 wholesale).
Jessie x
PS If you do not yet have a doTERRA account please contact me directly via email at jessrems@gmail.com or head here and I will help you get set up or please reach out to the person that introduced you to doTERRA. We can help get you set up so that you get your oils at wholesale prices, drop shipped to your door.
Why I’m using doTERRA oils and blends to deepen with the plants
If I’m wanting to deepen with plants and build an incredible relationship with them, I want to make sure the source I’m using is just that, pure plants, no synthetics, fillers, adulteration or contamination.
doTERRA oils are 100% pure, they have stringent tests in place to ensure that the only thing in the bottle is pure plant material, either steam distilled or cold pressed depending on the plant we are working with, citrus oils are cold pressed.
doTERRA oils go through a stringent testing process and every single batch is third party tested to ensure purity and potency. If it does not meet the standard, it does not go to market.
You can read more about the in depth testing process here.
It is also extremely important to me that the oils I am using are sustainably and responsibly sourced. All of our doTERRA oils are.
Instead of cutting corners and mass producing oils we work with local farmers and growers, many of whom have nurtured these plants for generations, passed down through the family, their passion and knowledge runs deep. We recruit their expertise into a Global Botanical Network, responsibly supporting thousands of jobs around the world.
Fascinated about the origins of essential oils, how they are grown, harvested, distilled and tested? Check out this fantastic ebook doTERRA has created for a deeper dive.
Co-Impact Sourcing Initiatives
What draws me to doTERRA the absolute most is their co-impact sourcing initiatives. We source over 140 different oils from over 45 nations around the world.

doTERRA created the Co-Impact Sourcing® Initiative and the following 8 principles to ensure responsible practices in all our sourcing communities:
- Generating Jobs: Reduce poverty by creating and sustaining jobs
- Providing Fair, On-Time Payments: Offer consistent, fair payments to producers, including prepayments
- Building Supplier Capacity: Support farmers, producers, and distillers through training and financial support
- Sustaining Long-Term Partnerships: Provide multi-year contracts with growers and distillers based on solidarity and respect
- Ensuring Fair Labor Conditions: Create healthy and safe working environments, free from harassment and discrimination
- Promoting Cooperatives: Guarantee respect the right for all employees and producers to join and form co-operatives
- Furthering Environmental Stewardship: Promote energy efficient technologies, renewable energy, and waste minimization
- Facilitating Community Development: Support community development projects in sourcing communities such as schools, health clinics, training facilities, and clean water systems
We take pride in sourcing the most pure, potent, and effective essential oils in environmentally and socially responsibly ways. Learn more at sourcetoyou.com
Through its global sourcing efforts, by 2018 doTERRA supported 122,095 jobs and impacted 541,349 lives, this number continues to grow.
The impact doTERRA makes globally doesn’t stop with their sustainable sourcing initiatives that deeply impact communities globally.
doTERRA also have an incredible philanthropic side to them.
My experience in Kenya
The dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation empowers people and communities worldwide by providing the tools needed to become self-reliant.
I personally experienced the impact that doTERRA co-impact sourcing and Healing Hands initiatives make when I was able to travel with doTERRA to Kenya in November 2017 for a sourcing trip.
I learnt things that shocked me, as I was speaking with the incredible woman who was teaching at our Days for Girls event about what it was like growing up in Kenya my stomach churned..
She told me as a young woman her mother and grandmother did not teach her about her period because it was taboo.. she lived in shame and would miss school whenever she bled, she would go out into the fields in search of the driest, flattest cow dung to use as a pad.. she had no access to pads, tampons or hygiene.
Obviously this had massive long term repercussions on her education, she had the strength and determination to study later in lief and has the most incredible spirit, smile and joy.
She is now a certified trainer at Days for Girls and I had the opportunity to assist her at the education event we ran in an extremely remote part of Kenya where we delivered HUNDREDS of reusable hygiene kits with washable pads that will last them years and mean they can actually attend school and work during their bleed + taught them what it meant to bleed and shifting the taboo around the topic and helped them feel confident and love their bodies!
They were also taught self defence and self worth and self respect.
The men took the boys and taught them respect for women and themselves in a separate area as rape is shockingly common and education will support a shift in this consciousness and lots more men worked on a reforestation project and the bridge and planted hundreds of trees.
We got to open the brand new community centre. This is so much more than a farm and sustainably sourcing oils and creating much needed stable jobs in this area. This centre will be used for education and is where we held our Days for Girls event the next day but it is also used to teach farmers how to grow with a higher yield, how to remain sustainable and also how to save and purchase their own land. It will also be used for fun and togetherness as a community to watch sports events and movies and bring people together! We were welcomed by the Chief and it was a very special moment.
We then drove in Jeeps through more mud to ribbon cut and open the brand new water station 100 or so meters from where these people live. Previously they had been traveling 2-3km each way to fetch DIRTY water from water holes and creeks that were crocodile infested. A week before we got there a young girl lost her arm to a crocodile and making this trip is also where a lot of these girls and women get raped as they try and fetch water for their people.
So not only will this mean these people can collect FRESH, CLEAN water but they don’t need to deal with crocodiles or rapists to do so. It was massive, as the Chief and Emily Wright spoke and the women danced and sung, their beautiful voices reverberating out into the bush and Emily turned on the tap. First they had to clean out jerry cans of the mud and filth from the old water they were collecting and then to see their faces light up as they cupped their hands and drunk and filled these cans with fresh, clean water. It was very emotional. I had to step away and shed a few tears. The women were so beautiful and we were laughing as we practiced balancing jerry cans on our heads. They do it so well!!!!
We then traveled to a Primary School that was extremely remote and had never had visitors like this. We were welcomed by beautiful song and dance from the children and got pulled up to dance with them! It was so much fun moving our bodies and joining in with them.
I went to class for the afternoon with some of the kids. We were doing an art project and first they showed us and explained their art mural outside which showed the challenges they face including early pregnancy, drug use, child labor, living alone and dealing with HIV but how education could change their futures and allow them to avoid these things and follow their dreams.
In our project in class we had to choose a role model and 5 values they had. I chose our CEO David Stirling and shared with the class about Justice, Integrity, Kindness, Philanthropy and Taking Massive Action. The teacher explained in Swahili what these meant and each of the students also shared their role models and values. It was awesome. Then we played some fun and hilarious games with the kids!
We then visited another small scale farm. There were already 300 in Kenya when we visited in 2017 with a vision to create 2500 by 2020. It was awesome to see and be with their families and see the incredible job they are doing on these farms and feel what a difference it makes to their lives partnering with dōTERRA and having stable reliable income instead of being ripped off by scammers, as is so common there.
On the last day we flew back into Nairobi, Kenya and visited the distillery we are partnered with. This was very cool! For one the smells were amazing and we were able to experience first hand the whole process. It was wonderful to see how proud the workers are and to learn of their super renewable sources. They burn macadamia shells for fuel which is renewable and doesn’t create pollution!
Want to learn more about doTERRA’s Impact in Kenya? Check out this ebook.
The Healing Hands Foundation
The dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation empowers people and communities worldwide by providing the tools needed to become self-reliant.
Working with humanitarian partners, facilitating development projects in doTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing® communities and matching support for Wellness Advocate Projects.
The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is currently supporting projects in over 70 countries.
doTERRA® International generously donates to cover all administrative costs of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, ensuring 100 percent of all donations go directly to aid.
The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation was registered in 2012 in the United States as a 501(c)3 non-profit. Since then, the philosophy of giving and service in helping to empower others has spread throughout the world as doTERRA Healing Hands Initiatives.

There are so many ways you can get involved in supporting the Healing Hands Foundation.
You can even start your own fundraiser if you have something you are particularly passionate about, or even start your own charity and have the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation match donations and support your mission. Find out more here.
If you are in Australia or New Zealand doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation can match funds raised by Wellness Advocates for qualifying charities up to $15,000AUD. Find out more here.
You can also donate to the Healing Hands Foundation whenever you purchase your essential oils, or you can buy the Healing Hands Rose Lotion or the Hope oil blend, 100% of proceeds of these sales go straight to the Healing Hands Foundation, hope blend sales go to Operation Underground Railroad, freeing children from sex trafficking.
Plants. Change. Lives.
Everyone touched by these plants is positively impacted by it.
From those of us purchasing and using these in our homes and businesses. We get to experience the profound benefits of using oils for their physical benefits, replacing toxic household and personal care products and experiencing the change they can help facilitate within us on the emotional/energetic level. Haven’t got oils yet? Head here.
To the every day people that have been able to supplement their income, or create a thriving home based business. Find out more about this here.
To the hundreds of thousands of growers and farmers impacted through the co-impact sourcing initiatives.
And the 70+ countries impacted by the Healing Hands Foundation.
The impact is immense. It’s incredible.
Inspired to join me to deepen with the plants? Sign up here.
Can’t wait to dive in with you, we begin the first Monday in January 2021.
Jessie xx