Welcome to week two of my totally free and available to everyone program, Deepen with the Plants, you can register at anytime to join us.
I am absolutely stoked that we get to deepen with the Yoga Collection this week, this is SUCH a beautiful collection, and irrespective of whether or not you personally do yoga, any and everyone can absolutely benefit from this collection. It just provides such beautiful, divine support and a coming home to yourself, which is absolutely my theme for this year.
Listen to this weeks podcast with special guest Elena Brower here https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/deepen-with-the-plants/id1547382469?i=1000504910755
Meet Elena Brower, one of my very dear friends and Double Blue Diamond, co-creator of the Yoga Collection bestselling author and Podcast Host of Practice You, Elena has taught yoga and meditation since 1999. Her spoken word poetry can be heard on Above & Beyond’s Flow State albums. Listen to her renowned Practice You Podcast at practiceyou.com, and experience yoga with Elena on Glo.com.
You can also check out Elena’s Essential Mentorship at https://elenabrower.com/mentorship/

I met Elena at the Global Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah in September of 2017 where she launched this beautiful collection, spoke and we went into a yoga practice right there and then with the entire audience. It was so divine and genuinely moved me to tears, I felt so connected with my own body and heart and to her teachings and the people in the room around me, captured below with my fellow Australian Founder sisters, Tara Bliss and Vanessa Jean.

It was the first time I had really connected with yoga, prior to that I had tried a few times on and off, but never really found a teacher I felt inspired by or aligned with (I have since practiced with my friend and Chinese medicine practitioner/acupuncturist, Trent who is AMAZING!), but Elena really inspired the beginning of a much deeper, more aligned connection to yoga that actually felt good in my body and lit me up.
We ran into each other in the bathrooms that year and shared with each other that we were inspired by who each other are and how we show up and lead our teams and lives, it was a cool moment! Mutual appreciation, love and respect.
“This collection is really meant to bring you back into your body, centre you in your heart and lift your mood.”
-Elena Brower
The timing of things is always so perfect, the exact support I need always shows up at the right time, this collection is precisely what I need to support myself with what’s unfolding around me right now.

Anchor- Grounding/Steadying Blend
This is the purple labelled blend in the collection, I love applying this to the tops and soles of my feet, either before or after practice, or anytime in the day when I feel the need to ground into the earth and come back to the present moment.
This is a blend of (as per Elena Brower’s website)-
- Lavender: calming, communication
- Cedarwood: grounding, community
- Frankincense: healthy neurological function, valuing truth
- Cinnamon Bark: feelings of harmony and acceptance of self
- Sandalwood: devotion, reverence, respect, release from overthinking
- Black Pepper: emotional honesty, courage, self-awarenesss
- Patchouli: physical presence, release of self-judgment, grounding
My perspective on Anchor-
When everything around you is changing like the sands with the tide and you keep trying to grip onto things outside of yourself to help you feel safe and try to navigate the unexpected and challenging, Anchor reminds you to come home to yourself, to trust, to have faith and to turn inwards, to your own deep knowing, wisdom and intuition. Anchor can support you to accept change and to flow with the ever moving tides, in the knowing that you have got yourself.
When the tendrils of fear are curling around your ankles and tightening their grip, when you feel separated, isolated, uncertain and lost.
Turn to Anchor to remind you how deeply supported and held you truly are, place her on your feet and then stand rooted into the earth, free and full of life.
When it feels easier to shut down and curl away from life, this blend is a reminder to trust, to have faith, to come home to yourself and to step forward, one step at a time, knowing this path is for you, and to courageously keep following it, finding the joy in the simplicity and ordinary moments of your life.
Affirm- Centering Blend
Known as Align in the US, the green labelled blend. I apply this over my heart centre, before or after yoga practice or whenever I feel called throughout the day.
This is a blend of (as per Elena Brower’s website)-
- Bergamot: self-acceptance, self-esteem, optimism
- Coriander: integrity, bravery, true to self
- Marjoram: connection, trust, openness, safety
- Peppermint: emotional buoyancy, invigorating, uplifting
- Geranium: love & trust, forgiveness, overcoming grief, emotional honesty
- Basil: renewal, energy, brings strength to the heart, softening to the mind
- Rose: higher love, compassion, wholeness
- Jasmine: passion, healthy intimacy, safety
My perspective on Affirm-
This blend reminds me so much of the teachings in the book Heart Minded by Sarah Blondin.
When experiences, trauma, wounds, abandonment, rejection make you want to close your heart, to surround it with walls, armour, protection, aloofness, an attitude that you don’t really care and don’t want or need anyone close, this blend can come in and gently remind you that actually, love is all there is.
The way I see it every single person has two choices.
These choices can completely change how we experience the world..
This is actually massive.
It doesn’t just change our experience, it changes the collectives and has the capacity to create huge healing.
We can either-
Let life make us bitter.
Close our hearts off.
Keep ourselves separate.
And play out patterns based on our trauma.
We can choose to let cruelty make us cruel.
We can choose to allow being hurt, mean we hurt others.
We can choose to reject, before we are rejected.
We can choose to continue a cycle of shame and pain.
We can live and lead from love, instead of our trauma.
Instead of allowing ourselves to become bitter and closed off..
We can allow the heartbreak, hurt, pain, trauma, disappointment, loss, grief, sadness, rejection and abandonment.. to crack us open and soften our edges.
Instead of pushing the pain down and allowing it to leak out in dark ways.
We can choose to feel, express and release it.
What if instead of separating ourselves and becoming aloof and emotionally unavailable.
We learned boundaries and discernment. But to keep our hearts open, without shame for how deeply we feel.
Without punishing ourselves for being “too much”.
What if we allowed our no’s to steer us to a yes.
What if instead of letting pain close us off, we allowed it to crack us open even more.
What if we saw how deeply we feel as our superpower, with the ability to transmute all the pain we’ve experienced, back to love.
I refuse to shame myself for living with such an open, expressive, deeply feeling heart.
What if we were the ones to break the chains, to escape the cycle, of repeating the same patterns of hurt, pain and trauma?
What if we learnt to love.
Love ourselves.
Love each other.
Everything would change. For the better.
And it’s all possible. We get to choose.
Change is always available to us.
What if every time you got your heart broken.
Every time you were hurt, disappointed or let down.
Instead of allowing your pain to make you bitter and close your heart off.
To separate yourself and become aloof and emotionally unavailable.
You let the pain crack you open and soften your edges a little more.
You sharpened your boundaries, yet kept your heart open and receptive to the possibility of deep connection.
Don’t let pain close you off, allow it to crack you open even more.
I let loss, pain, grief and sorrow show me how deeply I can feel.
I refuse to shame myself for living with such an open, expressive, deeply feeling heart.
I lived for far too many years, distancing, isolating and separating myself from the humans.
For fear of the pain they would cause me.
Now I’m discerning about who I let close. But those ones. I go deep.
Use Affirm to remind you not to shut your heart, your feelings, your love down, to keep your beautiful heart open, boundaried, but open to loving and being loved.
Ascend- Enlightening Blend
Known as Arise in the US, the orange labelled blend. I like to take a drop of this in my hands, rub them together and breathe deeply, then apply to the crown (top) of my head.
This is a blend of (as per Elena Brower’s website)-
- Lemon: uplifting and clarifying, joyful
- Grapefruit: honouring the body, energizing
- Siberian Fir: supports clearing generational patterns
- Osmanthus: eases feelings of sadness
- Melissa: enlightenment, joy of living, eases feelings of overwhelm
My perspective on Ascend-
Use Ascend to help blow the roof off on your full bodied self expression, on owning all the magnificent parts of you and realising your full potential, the allness, the deep magnificence, your creativity, your brilliance, your voice, your spark, your light, your shadow. All of it.
All of you is welcome. Let Ascend be a reminder to reach in and reclaim your power. The power that lies within your strength, but also within your softness, within your heart, your vulnerability, your authenticity, within all the the ways you don’t even recognise that light others up.
If you are feeling lifeless, flat, despondent, stagnant and unable to shift, use this to shake up the energy and to remind you of your untapped well of joy, creativity and ability to manifest.
Use this blend to remind you how full of life and expression you truly are, and to experience that fullness, to allow yourself to expand, your soul to expand and for your presence to be FELT, no more shrinking for anyone else’s comfort, just fully embodied, unfiltered expression of your unique you.
Exploring Yoga
If you do want to explore yoga I can highly recommend Elena Brower’s classes on the Yoga Glo app.
She has hundreds of classes as well as meditation practices on there, my two favourite programs are Self-Care for Women: Practices for Resilience and Grace, which is a 12 class program I am going to do again this week as we deepen with the Yoga Collection, and her program Essential Practice: Yoga with Essential Oils.
I will always treasure the times spent in lockdown with my dear soul sister Mandy, where we committed to daily yoga and work outs together, drank cacao and used the Yoga Collection, it was such a supportive practice during a time of such uncertainty and challenge.

Meditation Practices
Apply the yoga oils, lie down and journey with my Deepen with the Plants playlist
This is a beautiful breathwork practice followed by spoken word meditations with Elena Brower in collaboration with Above & Beyond, incredible practice to come home to yourself.
This is Elena’s latest spoken word meditation with Above & Beyond.
Interview with Elena
Upcoming Oils and Blends
The next oils we are deepening with in January are Arborvitae and AromaTouch.
If you are placing your order now in time for February the oils and blends we will be deepening with are Balance, Basil, Bergamot, Black Pepper and Black Spruce, order these in Jan so they arrive in time for February.
Don’t yet have a doTERRA account?
Email me at jessrems@gmail.com or contact the person who introduced you to doTERRA to get set up or head to https://www.getafreshstart.com.au/shop-doterra/ you can set up from just about anywhere in the world, and you can get one of the starter kits or pay the $35 for a wholesale account so you get 25% off all our products + loads of other benefits and loyalty discounts.
Thank You Elena
Thank you, for seeing me, for the impact you’ve personally had on my life, for creating these blends, for helping so many come home to themselves, for your grounded, wise, practical approaches to deepening our relationships with ourselves, bodies and the plants.
I appreciate you deeply.
I hope you all enjoy deepening with the Yoga Collection this week with us.
Jessie xx