How I built my business from welfare to 7 figures without losing the plot entirely.
New Level, New Devil
I legitimately thought that once I had created a successful business it would mean I actually had my life together..HAHAHA!! So wrong, it’s allowed me more choices but the personal development and upleveling is constant, new level, new devil. I still have to do the things I find extremely challenging in order to get the results others don’t get.
No one is coming to rescue me.. and that’s a good thing
I had to realise early on literally no one was coming to rescue me. I remember having the attitude in the early stages of business and being secretly expectant that others who were better off than me financially, would save me or fork out constantly and having the shits when they didn’t. Now I have financial abundance I realise how toxic it can be to constantly rescue and give people money, instead of tools and resources to create their own freedom and learn their own valuable lessons if they’re genuinely in a position to do so (like I clearly was but playing the victim instead of stepping into my power).
Personal responsibility and making choices each and every day that will either move me closer to a life I love, or further away from it, has been my most irritating but necessary life lesson.
Certain people won’t like it
Super early on you’re going to have to make a choice between pleasing all the people (which will literally never happen anyway, even if you stay poor and miserable forever). Or choosing to step out and forge your own path. People will take shots. I don’t know anyone who isn’t successful that doesn’t have people mock, laugh at, talk shit about and have others try to make them feel small.
Trust me though when you create a life you love you won’t be crying about all the lives you’ve changed, living in your dream home, travelling the world, spending time with your loved ones and wishing you’d listen to the naysayers and played small.
Develop a thick skin fast and choose to listen to the words of encouragement and love and become immune to the crap. Don’t let that one remark or group of people stop you from achieving what you set out to.
Choose who and what you listen to and spend time with
ESPECIALLY in the early stages of business. Your partner, parents, friends and others might think you’re totally insane that you’re choosing to forge your own path. It’s different and uncomfortable for them. Same lesson applies as above. You won’t be crying into your freedom. So don’t buy in, change the subject and engage with those who have your back. Choose not to go into a massive victim story that you can’t succeed because no one in life supports your goals. You are literally the ONLY thing stopping you from succeeding. The ONLY thing. I know people with every single possible shit circumstance and lack of support thrown at them who choose to walk through the fire and come out carrying buckets of water to help others. Be that person.
It’s all a choice
You get to choose and honestly staying the way things are is probably going to be way more comfortable and easier. But really what are you actually choosing? My friend Zach (successful entrepreneur) and I were having a cup of lemongrass and ginger tea the other day and come up with the quote
People choose to avoid short term discomfort, and what they’re REALLY choosing is a lifetime of discomfort
So what are you going to choose? I choose short term discomfort. Literally NOT ONE SINGLE PART of building an extremely successful business has been in my comfort zone.
Attending events
Speaking at events
Being around the humans in general
Making sales calls
Figuring out tech stuff
Trying to work out how to be a good leader
Continually showing up
Running workshops
Having coffee with random strangers
Putting myself out there
NONE OF IT HAS BEEN COMFORTABLE!!!! To be quite honest I haven’t wanted to do any of it at the time. But every time I FORCE myself to show up it’s generally not as bad as I think it will be leading up and I end up getting so much out of it.
My social anxiety hasn’t gone away, I thought it might once I’d achieved a certain level of success. In fact it got way worse at certain stages of my business. BUT I don’t let it rule my life. I have an arsenal of tools I choose to support myself and I choose to continue to show up.
It’s all a choice!! What are you choosing each and every day?
Self Care is freaking CRUCIAL!!!
I thought my hair would be perfect and my skin would be radiant on the daily once I could afford any beauty treatment I could possibly want. I’m a work in progress and if I get lazy or slip on the food I choose to eat or on pilates and martial arts, I’ll still see the same impact on my lifestyle, body, complexion, body tone, mood and attitude.
So I make daily chooses and use essential oils for mindset, emotions, physical support and exercise. I have to consistently CHOOSE to eat foods that nourish me, I have the Smart & Sassy metabolic blend in my water between meals to support this. I make myself go for walks on the beach (sounds weird I know but I still have to make myself get out of the house). I haven’t turned into some super motivated health freak. I don’t think I ever will. I have to drag myself out of bed and it irritates me as much as it ever did to go do the things that I know will get me the results I’m after
This will always be my favourite quote about motivation
F&*% motivation. it’s a fickle and and unreliable little dickf&^* and isn’t worth your time.
Better to cultivate discipline than to rely on motivation. Force yourself to do things. Force yourself to get up out of bed and practice. Force yourself to work. Motivation is fleeting and it’s easy to rely on because it requires no concentrated effort to get. Motivation comes to you, and you don’t have to chase after it.
Discipline is reliable, motivation is fleeting. The question isn’t how to keep yourself motivated. It’s how to train yourself to work without it.
Honestly maybe it’s easy for some people and they don’t need to be as dramatic and annoying as me, maybe they do leap out of bed and just LOVE doing these things and it comes naturally to them, or maybe some of it does and some of it doesn’t. But it doesn’t matter either way, show up and make it a habit to keep showing up.
Work through Maslow’s Hierarchy

I don’t think there’s anything better than running your own business and choosing to show up every day to help you work through these from the bottom up.
When I started I was most definitely at the bottom, I literally just needed to actually meet my physiological needs, once I worked out that if I consistently showed up and did the work in my business that this was taken care of I could move on to resources, taking better care of my health because I had the finances to seek the treatments I wanted like chiro, pilates, skin care, organic food, natural health care practitioners, counselling, energy work, retreats, buying property and more.
Working in the industry I am in helped me meet the third rung very early on too. I started to develop incredible friendships, work on my intimacy issues and spend more time with my family and feel that sense of connection because I wasn’t just trapped on the bottom rung trying to take care of basic needs.
It also brought me respect, self esteem, recognition, status, strength and freedom as I continued to smash goals and create resources and set out a path for countless others to do what I’ve done.
And now I’m at the self-actualisation stage where I can become the most that I can be. Dive deeper into greater service and create from a place of abundance and total freedom, rather than pure survival.
Work out where you’re at and do the inner and outer work that needs to be done to move up the levels.
You’re going to have to face your shit
There’s no avoiding it and hoping for the best it will go away.
Face it head on.
Chances are unless you were born wealthy and have done a BUTTLOAD of personal development you’re likely to have some money issues. It’s going to be difficult to create the kind of abundance you dream of if you don’t have a healthy mindset and relationship with money.
Did you grow up hearing things like:
“money doesn’t grow on trees”
“there’s always more going out than there is coming in”
“we can’t afford that”
“money doesn’t bring happiness, just more expensive problems”
And what about the messages you receive from media and society?
The Weasley family in Harry Potter – kind, generous, loyal, trustworthy, good, caring, sense of social justice, open minded, also POOR
The Malfoy family- cold, snobby, racist (anti muggles or non magic folk- call them slurs such as mudblood), on the dark side, unloving, bullies, think they’re better than everyone, live at Malfoy Manor.
I have never understood how you can actually be poor when you have magic anyway. Wouldn’t you just magic anything you wanted? Weird!
Can you think of other examples? Where rich are painted as evil and poor are painted as saints?
Did you roll your eyes or were you jealous of the rich kids? Mutter about how they had everything handed to them on a silver platter, or say things or hear things like they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth?
For some INSANE reason I held this belief that wealthy people are born wealthy, and unless you are born wealthy you have little to NO chance of being wealthy yourself, unless you were the
.0028386423% that were freakishly talented or made it to Hollywood.
In my mind I was destined for mediocrity at best, poverty at worst. Anything above that simply did not exist for me.
Have you ever had a spiritual teacher or guru tell you that “money is the root of all evil” that you don’t need money and that if you focus on it AT ALL that you are power obsessed and need to cleanse your chakras of your filthy money greed?
I have.
Let’s be clear- money doesn’t solve all your problems and the age old quote money doesn’t make you happy is definitely correct. There is a lot more to happiness and fulfilment and abundance then just some numbers in your bank account.
Having Money gives you more choices
It allows you to free your mind from the stress of taking care of every day necessities.
How easy is it to change the world or even one other life when you are so caught up in just taking care of your own basic needs? Not very.
What if money was just an energy exchange for you bringing your value to the world and could be used as a POWERFUL tool for good?
What are you passionate about? What makes you super angry? You could make more of a difference in these areas with more money!
I’ve written a totally free ebook called Mini Money Mindset Guide- from Overdrawn to Overflow. Download it here.
Practice Gratitude for the gifts!
I’m so much more creative and excited knowing that anything I think up, literally can stay on the table longer as an option while I consider my next steps. I LOVE chatting to my girlfriends on the phone and inventing in-depth world domination plans where I pay for resources, guest speakers, incredible venues, locations products, all kinds of things. They don’t all happen, and they’re not all practical ideas or worth implementing, but it brings a truly exciting dynamic and feelings of ease, flow and freedom when I know deep down in my soul it’s literally not out of the question to make it happen.
Whenever things get challenging in my business and in life I read back messages from people I’ve made a difference to and focus on all the good that has been done, not the few shitty things that have gone wrong.
I sleep so well at night dreaming of possibilities because I know there’s so much more I’m going to do to serve others and make a real difference.
This year along I’ll be supporting multiple people to replace their full time income and reach financial freedom, and that responsibility gets me out of bed far quicker each morning than the past when the only reason I’d get up is needing to pee.
Tap it out
One of the most powerful and effective tools I have found to help release the limiting beliefs, negative thinking and stories holding me back has been tapping/EFT
My friend Brad Yates and I are running another course starting tomorrow and are speaking in Salt Lake City together in September! Details here
Try anchoring this tapping video with my Money Magic Blend
10 drops Wild Orange the Oil of Abundance
2 drops Tangerine the Oil of Cheer & Creativity
2 drops Frankincense the Oil of Truth
1 drop Arborvitae the Oil of Divine Grace
1 drop Hawaiian Sandalwood the Oil of Sacred Devotion
10 drops Ginger the Oil of Empowerment
10 drops Patchouli the Oil of Physicality
Fill a 10ml roller bottle and top with fractionated coconut oil
Don’t have oils yet?
To get these oils at wholesale prices visit and click Join & Save or contact the person that introduced you to essential oils
Pick one of our starter kits or pay the $35 membership fee (waived with any kit) and choose your oils.
These are the starter kits in the US
AU starter kits
NZ starter kits
Europe enrollment kit flyer
To get started visit or email
Would you love to run your own business?
Maybe you don’t even know where to begin. I certainly didn’t and felt super overwhelmed.
I am looking to invest my time, resources and energy into the right person and have some very limited spots available right now to work one on one and help you launch your business.
Apply here
More info at