Welcome to our totally free and extremely powerful program to help you launch your business and begin creating the foundation for healing, impact and time and financial freedom. 2024 is going to be such a powerful year of growth, this program is the perfect place to start to help you create momentum! Keep coming back to this page as an invaluable resource throughout this three month program. The more you tune in, the more things will start to sink in and land in your subconscious.
If you can launch to Elite (which you can, it is SO achievable, many before you have done it, many after you will continue to do it). Then you can achieve ANY rank in doTERRA. Launch to Elite, help others launch to Elite and you can achieve whatever your heart desires as everything is about duplicating and helping others succeed too! (what an amazing model where EVERYONE wins!).
The main principle for success in doTERRA
Share the oils, products and opportunity with as many people as possible, help them get a wholesale account and swap their shopping with our loyalty rewards program.
Help others that want to share, do the same.
“Together, we are rapidly sharing hope and wellness through dōTERRA’s worldwide movement.”
Quick Resource Guide
This rest of this post takes you into detail about using these resources but here are the quick links
Workshop/1:1 Outline and Starter Kits use this to sign up new customers
Live Guide– to help people take advantage of our loyalty rewards program
Build Guide– to help show people the doTERRA business opportunity
Builder Manifestation– Read this out loud DAILY to help you attract ideal business partners
Daily Mentor Calls with Allyse Sedivy doTERRA Triple Diamond
Did you know you can order hard copies of Live + Build guides from your back office under BUSINESS TOOLS as well as Class In A Box Kit for running workshops, MetaPWR booklets and more?
Why do you want to build a doTERRA business?
To keep you in the action it is important to stay connected to your why as it will keep you going when challenges arise.
Use a journal regularly and keep expanding on this.
Ask yourself why do I want to build a doTERRA business?
Keep asking questions to dive deeper into your why.
Why is that important to you?
What have you experienced in your life that makes this mean so much to you?
What is it like for people to experience the opposite of this? Why is THAT important to you? Until you get to the absolute core of why you’re doing this.
Watch this video to understand why the owners started doTERRA
Why is it so possible to create such solid, long term residual income with doTERRA?
Our customer retention is unmatched by any network marketing/direct selling company on earth.
People are OBSESSED with our products, and when your customers are properly supported, many will continue to re-order every month, forever, because we also have the most generous loyalty rewards program on the planet, doTERRA invest over 300 million a year in free products for their loyal customers, this creates long term, genuine residual income.
What Can You Earn?

Learn more about why partnering with doTERRA is such a powerful opportunity with the BUILD GUIDE, you can also use this guide to show others the opportunity.
Belief Level- Belief in the Product
In order to achieve the rank of Elite is important to have belief in the products, which isn’t hard when we have the best products on the PLANET. To build this belief, use them every day, multiple times a day and get in the habit of sharing what you’re doing with others. People LOVE to be invited into your life and to learn tips to thrive.

Become a Product of the Product
Why not buy things you already buy from the chemist/supermarket/local grocer through your doTERRA account- reduce toxins, protect the environment, live a natural, wellness lifestyle + help others do the same.
Did you know we have a huge range of household and personal care products on top of our amazing oils and blends?
When your oils arrive make sure you pop the stickers on the tops so you can easily find which oil you need. Check out the resources that come with your oils/products/order.
Check out the full product guide here
I have a Podcast called Deepen with the Plants check it out on Apple here or if you prefer Spotify find it here
Download the Modern Essentials Plus app so you always have resources on your phone.
Grab a kindle copy of Essential Emotions
Check out https://www.vitalia.com.au/ for books, roller bottles, spritzer bottles and other accessories.
Set your business up to earn
Login to your account at www.mydoterra.com > set your password
Create new Loyalty Rewards template, min 100pv at all times to qualify for commissions, 125pv between 2-15th to get the free product of the month. Your card will not be charged until the date it is due to ship.
Set up your affiliate link.
Go to My Online Store > My Website, use your first and last name to create a unique link. Send this to people to open their own doTERRA account, they can click join and save.
Or even better, get them on a sales call or in person and take them through the process, you can do it for them by going to dashboard > enroll a new wellness advocate- purple button right hand side. People are more likely to buy when they are supported through the process.
Once you are earning more than enough to cover your monthly order, fill in this direct deposit authorisation form and doTERRA will start paying your weekly and monthly bonuses straight into your bank account.
Remember you are now running your own business so please speak with an accountant about the best set up for you.
Set Your Goal
Hit Elite in January to join us for Leadership Retreat
Journal and write down your goal as if it is already done regularly,
eg I am Elite on or before 31 January 2024. My overall volume is 3000+ in my team, I personally enroll 10+ people, my team members are personally enrolling people, people in my team are placing loyalty rewards orders and are LOVING the products, people are excited to use + share them.
This is a stretch goal program to help those that want to create big results, do so quickly.
We are aiming to help as many people as possible, those ready and willing to take massive action in their business, achieve ELITE in January so that they can qualify to join us for the Leadership Retreat in Brisbane 23 & 24 Feb.
This is an amazing opportunity to be in the room with many leaders from all over Australia and New Zealand who’ve achieved incredible things and learn the secrets to success with practical tools, tips, and guidance from the best in the business.

Know Your Numbers!
It is absolutely impossible to go for a goal if you don’t know exactly what you need to get there and have a plan. Be in your back office EVERY day, check your volume in dashboard or under the team tab. Know where you’re at and what you need to reach your goal.
Enroll New Customers with a Starter Kit
Starter Kits are the most cost effective and smartest way for your new customer to get started, they include SIGNIFICANT savings below wholesale prices, waive the $35 membership fee and set them up with at LEAST 25% off RRP for their first and future orders.
Find all of our Starter Kits available in Aus & New Zealand HERE https://www.getafreshstart.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/d3-DAUNZ-5390-Pure-Essentials-24-1.pdf you can send this link to potential customers, print it out for in person workshops or screen share this on a zoom call.
This month (January) we have a sale making kits a FURTHER up to 20% off. I have created a template in canva for you to easily share the kits on socials. You can change the photo of me to a photo of you and pin this to your profile.
You can also enroll customers with a custom order, however they will need to pay the $35 wholesale membership fee, kits are definitely the smartest and most cost effective way to buy. If you want to do a custom order, simply type the names of the oils and products in.
Loyalty Rewards Program
Helping customers and business partners take advantage of our loyalty rewards program, the most generous program on the PLANET, is the foundation for long term, residual income.
To do this, once your customer is enrolled, book a Wellness Consult with them and take them through the Live Guide on the call.
This is the cornerstone of a successful business, it is what makes residual income possible.
CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT- in order to earn commission you must have your LRP set to 100pv minimum in the system at all times.

What customers need to know

Attracting Builders/Business Partners
One of the reasons I’ve been able to create such massive success in doTERRA is because I haven’t just focussed on getting customers, I do do this, and we love our customers, but I have always ACTIVELY focussed on recruiting business partners and sharing the business opportunity.
Think about who you would love to partner in business with
Your Committed and Capable Ideal Business Partner Will Be
- Authentic- you can feel them and their connection to their own truth
- Able to connect with the vision and mission of doTERRA, to spread hope and healing and to create global impact
- Connect with the plants, essential oils and products, have the presence to drop in and really feel their benefits
- Passionate about wellness/growth- they care about their health and want to learn more
- Ready and motivated to move beyond their story
- They create from inspiration and have built some solid relationships/community
Casual & Unwilling- Who They Are NOT
- Inauthentic- uncommitted
- Resigned and disengaged
- Attached to their story and excuses
- Create from limitation
Be in the Energetics of Attracting Your Ideal Builders
Read this manifestation out loud daily, you could also print this out. Here’s the link to the pdf. Be in the energy of this and ask yourself every day.
How Can I Be Of Service Today

Use Tapping/EFT To Shift Blocks + Limiting Beliefs
Here are my favourite tapping videos for rank advancing.
- Money Magnet https://youtu.be/2Z8bnF3gYT8?si=SDCqm5ws9snXl53e
- Goal Realisation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b21MR1kljOc
- Trying too hard/anxiety about goals/rank advancing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmeDAqFKAn8
- Allowing Miracles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STP9xk0EVgY&t=303s
- Allowing Money & Other Good Stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SQAvxEDL7A
- Have you watched our FREE rank advancing webinar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7n_J88vPifw&t=5s
Years ago I created an online course with world famous tapping/EFT expert Brad Yates, specific for people building a network marketing business to be able to tap through their blocks and limiting beliefs. To the public it is USD $167 but I have a special discount link for my team that gives you a massive 50% off!!! Please use this link https://www.tapwithbrad.com/offers/BzffoddP
Where to Find Business Partners + Customers
There are so many ways to build this business- find what works for you, I find the most effective is doing a combination of social selling/attraction marketing online and building authentic relationships in person + physically getting the oils on people so they can have a powerful personal experience.
People You Already Know
Write a list of those in your life right now- you can also use a tool like this NAMES LIST. Think about who could benefit from these products (hint literally everyone) and those you feel you would want to invite to build a business with you, use the contacts in your phone or your facebook friends or people you follow on insta (who you actually know) to jog your memory.
Then connect- either reach out with a voice note and let them know what you’re doing, plan a catch up so you can show them some oils or give them an experience, invite them to a workshop you’re hosting, or that your team are hosting (such as Thrive on Friday) or to jump on a zoom and dive in deeper with either the workshop/1:1 flyer for potential customers or build guide for potential business partners, let them know WHY you feel this would be an amazing fit for them, what you see in/love about them etc.
Break Out Of Your Network
- Say yes to new opportunities, events, situations where you have the opportunity to meet new people, even if it scares you a little
- Develop genuine relationships
- Put yourself out there to connect deeply, in new spaces, doing things you love and have always wanted to do..
- Ask questions, be curious, learn about people.
- Examples- hiking groups, dance classes, breathwork events, conscious spaces/events, business networking events (you are a business owner afterall) social events, festivals, acrobatics, kirtan, music events, meetup groups, personal development conferences..
- ONCE you’ve built the relationship and they ask what you do
- “I sell essential oils and natural products, they’re safe, effective, affordable *insert personal story/experience with the product*”
- Then ask “I’m looking for someone in your area, that I can put my time, talents and resources into, do you know of anyone that would be the perfect fit?” This is a strategy developed by Allyse Sedivy who went diamond in 63 days. Check out her full training on this here. The Most Important Skill in doTERRA
- If someone shares a physical or emotional challenge they are having with you.. Ie struggling to sleep, gut health challenges, anxious, overwhelmed, stressed, run down, unwell- you say-
- “Would it be ok if I share something with you that’s really helped me with that”
- When you connect with people always add them on socials on the platform they use most so you can stay connected
- Genuinely engage and interact in their lives/content
- Invite to things.. Build the relationship for the relationship sake.. Not so they will buy oils or build a business with you.. Just trust that some naturally will!
Run Workshops/In Person Events
- Run workshops or invite people to your leaders workshops.. remember to order a Class In A Box Kit to make this easier from back office- under Business Tools. Or just print this workshop flyer yourself.
- Get creative, intuitive blend workshop, breathwork and oils, cooking workshop, chocolate, gift making, toxin free home, or just basic intro to essential oils workshop.
- Always personally invite people, don’t rely on them seeing an invite to a facebook event.
- Voice note/video most effective- they can feel you.
- Hi Hannah! Are you open to natural ways to take care of your health? I’m (or so and so) is teaching an essential oil workshop, are you open to joining me?
- REMIND people about events
- Message a few days before and day of event
- DON’T say are you still coming.
- Say something like so excited to see you at the workshop today! Here’s the address, I’ve got a gift for you as well (5ml wild orange comes with the Class In a Box kit)
Social Selling/Attraction Marketing
Create reels/share stories/written posts authentically sharing about the products/opportunity/events
Have a call to action- make it easy, clear and simple for people to buy
Check out these videos for extra training on this https://www.doterra.com/US/en/empowered-success/launch-your-business/social-media
Become a Leader
“Leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.”
Stephen Covey
Spend time with your customers and business partners in person if possible.
Use this One Thing Mentoring sheet to have mentoring sessions with business partners.
Build belief in people, encourage, support, celebrate EVERYONE!
Future Focussed

There’s really only one thing you need to remember.
Share the oils AND opportunity with as many people as possible.
Help others who want to and are showing up do the same.
In business consistency, persistence and momentum is crucial.
Stay connected to the team, reach out when you have moments of doubt and just keep backing yourself and showing up.
Remember that this is so much bigger than you, get used to rejection and understand that when you choose NOT to share with people you are robbing people of the opportunity to have these oils (which literally CHANGE lives), opportunity and most of all community in their lives.
With each bottle of oil you sell you are blessing people’s lives. From the farmers, growers and harvesters globally, to the communities impacted by the Healing Hands initiatives, to the person actually buying the oil that now has the magic of plants to support themselves physically, emotionally and energetically, to the Wellness Advocates who put so much time and energy into educating and empowering people to build a home based business. And you get to bless your life as well.
We get to bring hope to people.
What a privilege.
Thank you for being part of a movement that sees everyone win.
Thank you for saying YES to this three month program and to your dreams.
I can’t wait to celebrate all you achieve with you!
Jessie Reimers
doTERRA Australia Founder and Presidential Diamond Leader