Are you wanting to add an incredible income stream to your business but not sure how to monetise? Or maybe you’re looking for an opportunity to start working from home.
Hi I’m Jessie Reimers and four years ago I was in the WORST position of my life, my health was poor, financially things were a struggle, I hated the job I had pre kids and was NOT keen on going back and I was at a loss about what my future might hold, totally uninspired and wishing there was another way..
The thought of working from home in my pyjamas, spending more time with my kids and having NO BOSS and no commute was hugely appealing, but was it actually possible to make a decent living?
Well after trying a bunch of stuff that didn’t work, I found out that actually yes! It was and IS very possible. I started my business totally from scratch and smashed 6 figures in 11 months and 2.5 years into my business hit the seven figure mark and am the world’s youngest and Australia’s first to hit Double Diamond.
When I first looked at this opportunity the prospect of being able to work from home and ACTUALLY make decent money seemed extremely attractive. But also way too good to be true!
I did my research though and trusted this company enough to take a chance on it and actually back myself because I was SO frustrated with my circumstances at the time. Honestly my initial goal at the time was just to make enough to pay rent, feed my kids, buy uniforms, pay bills and actually be able to take my family on even a basic holiday without panicking about the bills. I have connected with many people who were in a similar position to me, who wanted to create a different path for themselves and have been able to do that with me and even those with an already extremely successful career, who were lacking time freedom and fulfillment, who’ve made the switch to create the things that are important to them! I have an incredible track record of working with people to help them succeed. Whether they want to supplement their income, or replace and even multiply a full time residual income.
Why did I choose to partner with doTERRA?
They are the largest essential oil company in the world with the purest essential oils on the planet
They offer safe, affordable, effective and natural solutions to empower people with their physical and emotional health
They have a freaking KICK ASS compensation plan to benefit those that help others discover their magic
They are a part of a trillion dollar wellness industry- people are hungry for natural solutions without side effects
Industry Leading Retention at 65%- this means LONG TERM residual income because we create oily addicts that continue to reorder
Owners with absolute integrity who have taken ZERO outside interest or funding and will never go public- they actually care about growers, communities and US the people that promote their products!
There is SO MUCH opportunity with this company with 120+ markets open worldwide, none of which are anywhere close to saturation and won’t be for generations
They are out to make a difference in the world through their co-impact sourcing model and their philanthropic arm, the Healing Hands Foundation
What has it meant for me?
I have been able to do SO MUCH MORE than just pay bills with this business. Within 11 months I was already making a six figure income and two and half years into my business I hit seven figures. This has created time and financial freedom, I now live at the beach and spend much of my time riding my bike, playing in the surf with my kids, eating amazing food and hanging out with my man. I get to experience national and global travel on my terms, have created lifelong friendships and an incredible community and the abundance has given me the ability to give back to causes I’m passionate about in ways I had previously never dreamed possible.
Not only that but I’ve created incredibly simple but highly effective resources for other men and women from ALL backgrounds to follow in my footsteps. Many just want to supplement their income with an extra few hundred or few thousand a month, dozens have already replaced a full time income joining me in business and more than a dozen more have already hit the six figure and multiple six figure income mark.
So you might be thinking did they have a million billion followers on instagram and a raging success of a blog, business and marketing experience and were already successful elsewhere?
The answer, in most cases in my business is NO. Of course I love working with bloggers and influencers but the very large majority of the most successful legends in my team are from extremely varied backgrounds. Most are stay at home mums, some are in retirement, we have marine biologists, teachers, health coaches, massage therapists, people from retail backgrounds and some are people that already run another business and have added this in as an incredible income stream.
What they do all have in common is passion, a desire to make a real difference in peoples lives. They see and believe in the value of these oils and the difference they can make. They do the inner and outer work. They refuse to stay in victim mode and have pity parties. They SHOW UP even when they’re scared and continue to dig deep, get outside their comfort zone and create something mind blowing.
Team Jessie Testimonials
“What an amazing journey it has been! As one of Jessie’s builders and leaders I have had the privilege of being personally mentored by Jessie over the last 3 years. She has been a fantastic role model and leader. Her ‘raw’ ‘tell it like it is’ delivery is what endeared me to her in the first place. She constantly challenges and empowers me and our team to step up and make positive change while using and sharing these gorgeous oils.
Jessie leads with integrity and I marvel at all the training videos, inspiring posts, blogs and the multitude of resources she generously shares not only with her own huge team but also with anyone worldwide who would like to access them.
I have never felt isolated living in a small town. Distance hasn’t been an obstacle! Jessie has travelled interstate to remote NSW to conduct workshops and business training with our team and will be doing so again later in the year. We all received so much from the training and have put it into practice, both personally and professionally.
I am proud to be part of ‘Team Jessie’ and even prouder of her huge achievements. I am full of pride and admiration whenever she releases new content, or I hear her speak, locally, nationally or internationally. She is a loyal friend and a phenomenal leader.”- Sue Gavel- Platinum Leader average income 112k, Leeton NSW
Sue Gavel- Platinum, Jessie Reimers- Presidential Diamond, Toni Gavel- Gold
Apply to Work With Me
What can I offer?
World class training and resources to show you the simple, proven, exact steps to creating a successful business
Access to our VIP members only support group with training the way you learn best- videos, written documents, simple graphics showing visuals
My personal support, kick ass inspiration and mentorship
An incredible community of like minded every day people doing extraordinary things to have your back and cheer you on!
Access to training and resources from high level leaders from all over Australia and the world who have done what you are looking to do
What is involved?
Choose your level of play, supplement your current income, replace your current income completely or add an income stream to your current business
Essential Oils & Products you will absolutely LOVE having and would be buying with or without the business opportunity that will absolutely change your life
A minimum investment of at least 10-15 hours a week, or more if you have goals you want to achieve faster
A passion for wellness and helping others
A solution driven attitude, you are absolutely willing to jump in and give things a go, feel the fear and do it anyway, try new things and consistently show up and work on your mindset and personal growth
You are ready to step out of your comfort zone, stop making excuses, take full personal responsibility for your life and choices and take massive action!
You are able to invest in your starter kit (most popular are Home Essentials, Nature’s Solutions and Oil Sharing Kits- these include the most savings BELOW wholesale prices and waive the $35 membership fee) or pay the $35 and create your own kit
I am looking to invest my time, resources and energy into the right person and have some very limited spots available right now to work one on one and help you launch your business.
Please fill in the form below to apply to work with me.
Testimonials Team Jessie
“Jessie is an incredible leader and I feel extremely blessed to have partnered with her in my business. Her passion for health and wellness shines through with everything she does. She is an amazing mentor, role model and friend and I am lucky to have her in my life. doTERRA for me has been an incredible life changer both financially and in health and I love that I am able to create a heart centred business helping others.
If you have been thinking about jumping on board with doTERRA for a while, I recommend jumping right in. Jessie genuinely wants to help and support her team to succeed, her encouragement and guidance is second to none and I am grateful to be a part of her essential oil community.”– Amy Innes- Blue Diamond, average income 260-450k
Amy Innes Gala Celebration
“Taking a chance at building a business with Jessie has been one of the most life changing decisions I have made to date. What I thought was going to be a small hobby has turned into the most transformational and joyous journey, helping thousands and earning real money. Being able to pull On all of the resources, training and support Jessie offers has been such a huge part of success. Don’t think about it, just do it.” – Jane Elizabeth- Platinum, average income 112k
Jane- Platinum, Me- Presidential Diamond, Hayley- Blue Diamond
“Jessie, powerhouse, a wise visionary, of service, of integrity, supportive, collaborative & deeply committed to being and inspiring your best, to help you create your dreams. Jessie you without a doubt are the greatest teacher I have walked with in my professional career. Your honesty, your work ethic and your deep unwavering belief in us all has inspired all to rise, believe and grab our dreams. I thank you and my team thanks you”- Jackie Isles- Blue Diamond average income 260-450k
I would absolutely love the opportunity work with you, honestly I’m at the stage where I don’t actually need to work, I have created a truly residual, seven figure income stream. But I absolutely THRIVE on helping others create time and financial freedom, make a real difference in the world and support their physical and emotional health.